Adopt a Tree

Because we know so many folks are looking for a fun, fresh way to support the care of our pre-existing trees within the Longview Arboretum, we’ve offered five trees within the park for annual adoption.
A $500 donation allows you to know that grooming, nurturing and exposure to these trees is guaranteed.
This year’s offering of trees for adoption include a shy, young Loblolly pine named Carl, a curvy teenaged pine named Stella, the twins Ned and Ted a divided Sweet Gum tree, and Bernice a Live Oak tree. Bernice is not native to this area but grew up here regardless and is hanging on to see what happens next.
These four trees are located in the west woods of the park.
Homer a one-hundred-year-old Hawthorne Tree lives near the lake pavilion and can be visited from the Great Lawn or the Komatsu Pine Forest.
A $1250 donation allows you to have a new young tree planted with a small engraved plaque to remember the occasion or loved one in your life.

We expanded our roots!

The Longview Arboretum has joined the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Garden Network.

A membership with the Longview Arboretum entitles you to special admission privileges and discounts at 380+ gardens throughout North America including the Dallas & Fort Worth Botanic Gardens, Houston, San Antonio, Botanical Garden of the Ozarks in Arkansas, New Orleans, and more.