Elementor #1176

Bringing Nature and Art Together!

The Longview Arboretum’s Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival, Chalk Up, aims to bring art and nature together in a colorful, fun way! Artists of all skill levels are encouraged to register in advance and chalk up with their friends as they claim a reserved square of the garden’s walkway to show off masterpieces and compete against fellow artist for prizes. A limited number of standby squares will be available the day the festival begins.

The festival theme is “Blue Dog in our world.” A partnership with the Longview Museum of Fine Arts exhibit of renowned Blue Dog paintings. Artists who include some element of Blue Dog in their sidewalk art will be considered for judging by Wendy Rodrique, widow of famed artist who created the Blue Dog series and an artist in her own right.

Two cash prizes offered: “Best in Show” as determined by Wendy Rodrigue and “Crowd Favorite” as determined by spectator vote.

Local Sidewalk Chalk Artist, Dana Huber, will be creating a spectacular welcome to the festival at the West Gate.

Other events happening in and around the Longview Arboretum during this time, guarantee spectators will enjoy watching the sidewalk art under creation.

We expanded our roots!

The Longview Arboretum has joined the American Horticultural Society Reciprocal Garden Network.

A membership with the Longview Arboretum entitles you to special admission privileges and discounts at 380+ gardens throughout North America including the Dallas & Fort Worth Botanic Gardens, Houston, San Antonio, Botanical Garden of the Ozarks in Arkansas, New Orleans, and more.